Cathy Law
Director of Customer Support & Finance
Our Sundog Extrovert, Owner & Co-Founder, Cathy leverages her Accounting degree and is our Customer Support Lead. You can read Cathy’s story below.
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– J. A. Schmit
Co-Founded Sundog Media in Nov 1996 – Joe and I met at University of Idaho and dreamed one day we’d own a business where I was the accounting right hand gal and he was the artist dreamer/director. In 1996, we moved to Anchorage, Alaska and Joe started our graphic design business. By day, I worked as a full time auditor for Mikunda, Cottrell and Co. CPAs and by night, when I was not out of town auditing some business in a remote Alaskan village, I was working beside Joe, supporting his talents with mine. I learned the basics of design, typesetting, and whatever was necessary to support Joe’s design skills. In 1998, we added website design, development, domain management and hosting to our services and I started working full time at Sundog.
Filling in wherever needed, my role has varied greatly over the years. Currently I concentrate on accounting and whatever our team needs in the form of assistance. I feel blessed we’ve had the opportunity to put together a talented, technical, detail-oriented team and can provide such specialized service to our clients.
After 6 years of Idaho married life, Joe and I realized we needed a life change; spiritually and financially. So, we sold the home we’d built, most our belongings and vehicles to purchase a truck and travel trailer. I quit my job with the Washington State Auditor’s Office and we headed north.
In 5 short days we arrived in Tok and my adventure-loving husband deserted me! He brought me all the way to Alaska and then disappeared! Didn’t he know; in Alaska the men outnumber the women by far? He would have a hard time getting another one to come up here! He sent me into the store to purchase some food and supplies while he got gas and when I came out, he and our 52+ foot long truck and trailer were nowhere to be seen. Honestly? He disappeared? I couldn’t believe it. I was wandering around looking so lost that a policeman kindly asked me if he could help. Still in shock, I explained Joe had disappeared while I shopped. Now, I know I love shopping but I hadn’t been gone that long! How could he disappear? In Tok?!! You do know there is only one street in Tok, right?! Ok, maybe not. 🙂 After a very long search (during which the gas station cashier verified 3 times that Joe paid and drove off without me) we discovered Joe’d driven around behind the gas station to fill up propane… Yep Lots of excitement!
We had resolved not to look in a newspaper so we wouldn’t find a job right away but that plan lasted until Joe sat down with his first cup of coffee in a small Palmer cafe on our 2nd day as Alaskans. Within a week he was flying off in a 2-person helicopter to the Talaheim River where we’d spend a summer as a fishing guide on a remote Alaskan river, and I would cook and clean the lodge’s cabins. The story continues with many more unanticipated adventures, which are detailed in photos we love to share.
I love being an Alaskan and raising our children here.
I love being active, spending time with people and harvesting. I enjoy beach combing, shrimping, catching big fish, campfires, skipping rocks, the ocean, rivers, mountains and animal life. Having grown up on a small farm, I love harvesting anything: berries, apples, fruit, fish, big game. Baking and canning what we harvest gives me great pleasure.
Spending time with my boys, talking with friends and reading the Bible and prayer time are some of my favorite activities. I play racquetball as much as possible and when I can’t, I do aerobics, walk, hike, bike and spend time with friends.
I enjoy mixing up home remedies with my doTERRA Essential Oils to help people. Knowing the oils are pure, have testing to prove it, are all natural and are cost effective makes them something I trust. I enjoy sharing oils that can help build the immune systems or relieve the physical pains, etc.
I enjoy friends and am energized by talking with family, church friends and our clients. My in-person socializing and social media time can be excessive, much to Joe’s chagrin. But, I’m an extrovert and he is a high functioning introvert.
My father always said I’d be a good accountant but I use a calculator a lot to verify my mental math! He said I was good with numbers so I attended the University of Idaho and graduated with a BS in Business; Accounting Major. After college, I worked for a school district, several dentist offices, the Washington State Auditors, Alaska’s Talaheim Lodge, Mikunda, Cottrell & Co. CPAs and finally full-time with my husband at Sundog Media. Joe and I work well together and continue to build Sundog Media LLC, play racquetball often, and love on our family.
I am inspired by God’s creation, Joe and his energy, creativity and adventure, my father’s Biblical knowledge, my mother, the Bible, my children, our church family and making friends.