SEO Glossary
Here is a great SEO glossary
Here is a great SEO glossary
Ever wonder how search engines rank your site? Well below is a link to an aggregated list of factors from 72 SEO experts. One take away thought from this article is that even the experts vary in how they view the factors and the world of search engine optimization is very challenging and ever changing….
If you have ever developed a website you realize very quickly that it can be difficult to make the site work well across all the major browsers and operating systems. At Sundog Media one tool we use to ensure that our clients sites are as compatible as possible with the modern browsers is
Google Local Business Center Yahoo Business Listing Bing Local Listing Center (MSN)
I am a nut about backing up data and one challenge has been finding a good way to archive all my email. Several years ago I setup an email address account with google and have found this to be a great way to keep a backup of my email. STEPS: 1. I have my email…
Share your website content without lifting a finger! It’s fast, it’s easy, and the best part is, it’s almost free! When we incorporate “Social Networking” software directly into your website, your visitors can easily “share” your content on their own personal social networking sites, sites like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and sooooo many others. Every page…
…Don’t be afraid, it’s not the return of Chia Pets. Ugh. I don’t know about you, but every time I hear the phrase, “it’s the latest trend!” I tend to cringe, avert my eyes and move on to something else. I’ve never been a trend-setter, I’ve never followed the latest trends, and if someone ever…
…including your website. During your Internet travels you may have come across articles or comments about validating your website. I’m sure most of them said there was a need for it, and I’m sure a lot of them said “You’d better have that done, or it’s the end of the World as we know it!”…