
Sundog hosting – why topnotch hosting is crucial
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Sundog Hosting – Why Topnotch Hosting is Crucial

It may surprise you to know that not all website hosting is equal.  Imagine living in a high-rise apartment complex in a bad neighborhood, versus a new single-family home with great views of the mountain, located in a superb neighborhood.  The neighborhood you choose often determines your level of security. Sundog Media utilizes dedicated, high-quality…

Screenshots, Screen Grabs & and Snap Shots – Helping us see what you see!

“Uh-oh, this doesn’t look right…” “Well, send us a screenshot so we can see what might be wrong.” “Terrific! I’ll do that…just one problem.” “What’s that?” “How do you make a screen shot?” This is a conversation we have at least a couple of times a week. During the back and forth of the design…

Internet explorer, firefox, chrome, safari - does it matter which one you use?

IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari – Does It Matter Which One You Use?

All browsers do one obvious thing, they present the internet to you. So does it matter which one you use? Unless you’re an uber-geek the answer is not really. According to some statistics Internet Explorer is the predominate browser, over 80% of people around the world use it as their browser of choice. Does that…

Websites aren’t like a fine wine, they don’t get better with age.

Websites aren’t like a fine wine, they don’t get better with age

How long has it been since you updated or edited your site? If you haven’t updated your content in months or given your site a new look within the last couple of years, you’re doing yourself and your customer base a disservice. The internet, as you know, is a fast-paced ever changing environment and if…